for Adobe® Creative Suite®
  • SVG Kit trial

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    • 1 year support
    • free updates and bug fixes
    • no functional limitations
  • SVG Kit trial

    Download free trial (160MB)

    • full-functional version
    • limited support
    • limited functionality when trial period expires


Our team at SCAND has many years' experience in software development, especially in (but not limited to):

  • Adobe InDesign plug-ins
  • Adobe Photoshop plug-ins
  • Adobe Illustrator plug-ins

We are working hard to provide our clients with the best services and support and though we have some free resources for outsourcing services. Since 2002 we have been providing well-known IT companies and hardware manufacturers with high-quality development services, and we are interested in doing business in this field!

We would be glad to collaborate with you in the field of software development for your needs. The quality of our products is high, and our rates really rock. We bet you can't find any better! Just check all the pros here: